Work has picked up so I'm a bit more busy (that's always good) and you can definitely feel the bite of fall in the air (yay I love fall!). Working out has definitely paid off...I think it's been about 5 months now and I can definitely tell the difference! Still stuck with a bit of the preggers gut though, so I'm concentrating on the abs/gut to try to whittle it away. Oh to have the body of a 20 year old again, but oh well, what can you do!
Couple of quick links of note...
Via Kottke, Someone's literal video rendition of A Ha's Take On Me...that is, the words of the song are changed to reflect what actually happens in the video. Muy cool.
If you need a bit of a break from life and look at pretty, arty things, check out the work of Chicago based artist Anne Toebbe. Slightly quirky and edgy, with a folksy feel, I am really digging her art.
I found out about it via The Green Chair Press Blog, and it appealed to the book/bibliophile nerd in me. And it's really really good! Reading each page is rather a bit like indulging in a piece of really really really good chocolate, to be savored slowly. From the back cover:
I was twenty-nine years old when the Arno flooded its banks on Friday 4 November 1966...On Tuesday I decided to go to Italy, to offer my services as a humble book save whatever could be saved, including myself.
Margot is a young girl with a bright future---she is going to Harvard in the fall and she can't wait to start. However, her Mom comes down with cancer, so Harvard is postponed as she takes care of her Mother. She never does get to go much to her disappointment...she goes to a local college instead whilst taking care of her dying parent...
But it was a long time before I could shake the feeling that Harvard Yard, which I'd never visited, was a magical place, a charmed circle in which all the good things of life were concentrated, as in an alembic; and that there was another me out there, a ghostly double who'd made love to Fabio Fabbriani on the beach in Sardegna, who'd gone to Harvard, who'd apprenticed with Roger Eglantine in London, who'd been profiled in a Dewar's ad, and who'd gone on to become the first woman to head the conversation department at the Library of Congress---a me who matter to the world.
Which of us doesn't have a similar ghostly double wandering around somewhere out there in the big wide world? A self from whom we parted company long ago, at some unlikely crossroads? But do we ever encounter these ghostly selves?