Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there...especially my own Dad and Hubby.
Both my sister and I pay tribute to our Dad in our own way...Sis and her her hubby do a big ole houseclean for my mom and Dad, including replacing the toilet seat covers. Were not amused by my suggestion to use this
I got Dad some lovely, ripe juicy pears from
H&D since he is going to be on a restricted diet soon.
I got Hubby a bunch of new work clothes and jeans and some cool cazh shoes. He seemed dazed by the volume of clothes I got him (whats wrong with 5 shirts, 5 pants and 2 pairs of jeans).
Also, here's a lovely quote I came across on
Etsy...Susan Angebranndt said this:
Thirty years ago I had left home for college, 20 years ago I was managing a team of software developers, 10 years ago I took a year off to train for a long-distance bike ride, and this year I'm printing limited-edition letterpress prints. Whatever I am in 10 years, it'll be a great adventure getting there.
This is one of her work: