Dim Sum Diaries
Had a nice, quiet 4th with the family. Here are some cool things I've found recently:

--If you haven't seen Ratatouille, this is an awesome movie for kids and adults alike. One of Pixar's best by far (imo).

Not only is the animation superb and the plotting very well done, if you watch Food Network as avidly as I do, this movie is right up your alley.

I do need to mention that I plan to watch Transformers. I loved watching this cartoon series growing up...Hubby and Son (a good bonding moment for them) have already watched it and give it rave reviews.

Though when I did try to tell Son, "Now make sure we don't practice any fighting moves or violence you see from the movie ok? Remember its just make-believe...not real."

His reply? "Mom, how can I copy the movie? I don't have giant metal legs or laser cannons attached to my arms???"

--Neat webcomic recently published by the Washington Post I found via Angry Asian Man by Belle Yang. WaPo recently did a writeup about her. She is a Chinese-American who grew up in the U.S. She got into this bad relationship, where her boyfriend turned stalkerish, so her parents sent her back to live in China for a few years (to keep her safe). She was there for the Tienanmen Square riots in '89, which led to her becoming a writer. I plan to check out her books more in-depth soon.

--A Craiglist Wedding. I like this story.

More later as I find them.