Dim Sum Diaries
Neato mosquito/Interesting things that have occured or are upcoming:

--Via Angry Asian Man (very cool site btw, its where I keep abreast of the latest topics/issues relating to Asians/Asian-Americans), Beau Sia's video response to the whole Rosie ching chong debacle, An Open Letter To All Rosie O'Donnells:

Quite well done, imo. Apparently Rosie has seen it and actually posts an apology of sorts on her own blog.

--Yay to be living in San Diego! Aaron Sorkin's new play, The Farnsworth Invention is playing at The La Jolla Playhouse. Tickets have already been purchased, and I am keen to see it. However, if I ever do win the Lotto, I will be buying a mansion in London too for all the cool stuff...

--New books to buy soon:

1. Gone With the Windsors by Laurie Graham.

2. Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman.


More later!