With advent of first paycheck, have finally gotten myself a new phone (old one was like 3 years old). Its the new
Motorola MOTOKRZR K1M along with that bluetooth ear piece thingamajig. Since work business is conducted mainly via telephone, email and im, DA MAN (aka boss, but also a rl friend) kept complaining about my old cell's speaker phone. Now though, can walk around the house self-importantly, look all sleek and modern whilst conducting DA BUSINESS (in my pink flannel reindeer pj pants to boot), imagining myself saying in a rather bored, yet cosmopolitan way:
"Why yes, Don Carlo, that shall be arranged with no problem at all...."
Then I flounce my hair and do the
cool, I'm hip and with it laugh...
In other news, as a freelance technical writer (aka independent contractor), I have found several things/websites that are rather handy:
1) Saw
Freshbooks via
The Deck one day, and bookmarked the site. Have found it to be great for billing and tracking hours, etc. and it looks professional. I'm really glad I found this.
2) Was also able get a daytimer from
Franklin Covey. Has proved useful so far for making notes, tracking appointments, etc.
Other observations:
Now that am working, am starting to let loose the
unbridled lust...a monster really...which has been deeply buried for the last two years. :p
Still a little nervous after being out of work for so long, but everything seems to be going well so far.
Have been able to spend quality time with kids. Son is finally able to read some books on his own. Daughter's math homework just proves that I'm growing dumber as I get older. Stared at some matrix math problem where you had to guess numbers based on clues??? I couldn't figure it out...luckily Hubby is a science/math geek so I can handily pass off annoying math problems to him...it took him awhile, but he finally got it. Daughter is also turning out to be a good writer. She shares my penchant for telling humorous stories and APPARENTLY overusing adverbs to an amusing degree.
Hubby and I have been talking about how rough the last couple of years have been...each in our own way. But it seems like this year is gonna be a good one. Here's hopin...