There is so much I would like to write little time. Mayhap I will post snippets of the various compartments of my life...rather feng shui imo!
WORK:This is going rather well. I just rec'd my first paycheck in the mail and is a good feeling! Have been tending to work late nights, like 11-4 am...pretty bad because I crash the next day (not so good), esp. if someone needs to talk to me about work. Its satisfying to finally have something to focus on (and get paid for it)...
Also notice that I give totally given up the fam mostly goes out or does takeout...
PETS:Whoever said male ginuea pigs are able to cohabit the same cage peacefully is utterly full of shit. One morning I foolishly decided to pair Truffles (still the baby and male) with Fluffy so they could play, socialize, bond or whatever. Bloody big mistake apparently. As soon as I put Truffles in the cage, Fluffy immediately mounted Truffles and blew his load all over Truffle's back...omfg...
Of course I did not realize this until I smelt some strange, musky odor I couldn't identify. I took Truffles out of his cage and my HANDS WERE COMPLETELY COVERED in ginuea pig jizz. And damn that shit smells nasty! Needless to say, I washed my hands about 20x....
ENTERTAINMENT:Went to visit parents the other weekend, and trekked all the way to bloody Pasadena to see
Miss Potter, laughed and cried...loved it so much. It was superb!
I also am quite enjoying the new
Norah Jones CD.

Very laid back and the lyrics are rich. Her voice is tres sultry.
AND FINALLY....I leave you with to determine whether or not you are a prostitute: