Now that I've actually sat my butt down to write something of consequence, my mind goes completely blank. Go figure.
Well the great news is that I've just been informed that a blog entry I submitted to a magazine (online) is going to be published! And I get paid for it! Holy crap! I'm so excited! And I'm going to end all my sentences with exclamation marks for the rest of this entry! Seriously though, I won't give any specifics until "the proof is in the pudding", so to speak (yes I am that paranoid that it may not happen), but as soon as its been published, I'll link it from here. So its like my first paid piece and wow...a bit of validation...I seriously didn't think I would hear from this mag, but its turned out well I think.
In other news, this job opportunity I talked about before, it looks like an almost sure thing, I just have to wait a bit longer. In the meantime tho, I'm temping for the week at this design place. I'll blog about it more in detail once the assignment is over. :p
I'll blog more later as I am getting tired...let's just say I am very emotionally happy these days. Every event is a bloody Hallmark card commercial.
A few examples:
--Hubby staying at home with the kids and offering to cook for me when I get home from work? OMG. Weeping.
--Went to kid's birthday party (lunch hour) and there was only enough pizza for the kids and not the parents (I have strong feelings on feeding the parents...DUH). I was bloody hungry (but couldn't really say anything obviously) so Daughter grabs a piece of her pizza (she had 2) and she shared it with me. OMG! Totally emotional over that.
--Mom is making vegetable soup with the Honey Baked ham bone frozen from Thanksgiving...this gets me not ask me why lol.
I'm really enjoying the holiday season this year, it is much improved from last year and I really wish my dear readers...the new and the ones who have stayed with me through the years the happiest of holidays. *hug hug kiss kiss
Update: Guesstimation here, looks like it might be next Thursday.UPDATE UPDATE AS OF 12/28: Okay, I think next Thursday lol...Details to come...