Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, aka
the latest version of Y! Messenger, which has some really nice features, I'm here on the compy (not writing), contemplating the state of the blogosphere, when all of a sudden, the following message pops up:
Deb would like to add you as her friend...etc etc etc...Its an old friend from college (I graduated in 1994, how sad is that), whom I haven't talked to in probably that long, other then the occasional family newsletter email from her. And of course, since I'm horrible at keeping in touch...well you know. I immediately immed her and we started chatting. If we were there in real person, I'd like to think we would greet each other in a dignified manner, but who am I kidding, we'd probably be like the two teenage girls seeing each other after a long absence, hugging and screaming and yelling omigod omigod omigod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We exchanged numbers and of course I insisted on calling her (it was after midnight for already) and we chatted about how we both were doing. How the hubs were doing, and about being a mom and the kids. She's a stay at home mom now and homeschools her kids. She seems really happy. We filled each other in on gossip from the group of girls we used to hang out with. I told her about this blog, she's thinking about starting one.
All in all, a very cool convo. It makes me pensive about the different paths we all took after college graduation. Then through the power of technology...cell phones and the internets (honestly why didn't have this shit back in the day)...we are able to reconnect...