Hmm...tomorrow is the impending day of DOOM, aka my 33rd birthday. Here are some things that I have noticed about myself since turning almost 33...
1. I tend to hang out with people younger then myself in social situations. This can be a good thing (it keeps you up to date with all the trends), but may also be a double edged sword. For example, L (coworker) was kind enough to take out to lunch today. We had
pho (yummy Viet noodle soup). We were talking and laughing as usual, and I was pontificating about old age.
"Oh my god," I said, "I totally find that as I get older, my tolerance from bullshit has gone way low!"
"You are so right, Mir, my grandpa is exactly the same way!"
There was a brief pause as I arched an eyebrow at her. Then of course, she tries to backpedal. The bitch. ;)
"Oh, not that your like my grandpa...of course not..."
2. I've become extremely senile/forgetful. Not only do I forget to pack my son an Easter basket for school (yeah yeah), I am supposed to drive up to my parents' to spend the night...and I forgot to pack an overnight bag. Now I have to go shopping for toiletries...sundries...etc etc etc. I wonder though if its not so much that I'm getting old...mayhap its because I play entirely too much WoW and don't get enough sleep...
3. My aforementioned Valley Girl accent has become more pronounced. Several coworkers from GA who are visiting here are wondering at the marvel of the Chinese girl with an Irish last name and peppers her conversation with, "Like, then I totally said..." and "Oh my god..."
And on a related note, as only 8 more business days until THE END, everyone has taken to razzing each other big time at work. I've become known as "Mir, who calls everyone at work her bitch"...
Ah well...its good to be almost 33...