I went to to visit my parents this weekend. We went to the same
Hong Kong cafe for breakfast. Smelly waiter dyed his hair black again, but now there is a single blonde streak through it. He is very nice, but he still hasn't taken a shower. Still smells. Mom said he's has health problems. So that makes me feel sorry for him.
So I took a look at the Chinese newspapers my Dad habitually buys, and I see this:
Here is a close up. Apparently Jackee Ma is a hairstylist to the stars. And then I say to myself, is the girl in the pic next to him mad at him because he gave her a bad hairstyle or something?
"No," my mom tells me. "They were popping pills and then the pills made the girl put on pill goggles...so they slept together...or so he claims."
I also see this
wedding dress. I am quite horrified, as I wonder if Hong Kong fashions have suddenly become so tasteless. Again my mom has to translate. This girl is appearing in a movie and she's getting married to a vampire. That's why she's wearing the attire. I wonder if it is the same girl who was popping pills, then slept with Jacky Ma. She never came down from that high with the pill goggles and it made her want to wear that bad superhero uniform with the boots and the cape.
[/end snarkiness}
Anyways, I got the results from the writing contest I entered vay back when. I didn't win. Kind of a bummer. It turns out that the women who did win are one with several manuscripts under their belt, have won multiple contests, etc etc etc. I am still a newbie, so it really isn't a surprise, I guess. I did get some good feedback from the judges. There were 3 scores. Out of a possible score of 100, one gave me 87 (yay!), one gave me 74 (semi-yay) and one gave me 67. So it was good, but it still needs much more work. Apparently I love to overuse adverbs. Hmmm...
So its back to the slave pits in term of my manuscript! On the brighter side, I sent an email to the women in my writing group looking for an honest to God real critique partner. One responded. I called her and we hit it off really well. We're meeting next week, so we'll see how it goes.