Yep, its
the day. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. Lo-Gung set me up for a day at the spa, so it was a nice blissful day of relaxation. Then Lo-Gung and I had a nice late lunch at a local bistro...which was pretty romantic and the food was excellent. Was finally able to get my eyebrows properly waxed...had been going to this other cheapie place next to work where they always seemed to shape one brow thicker then the other...making me look like I had one eyebrow arched perpetually in surprise or something.
In regards to the agent thingie...still pretty surprised about that. A bunch of us met at this local Mexican restaurant...where my group had set the meeting up. This agent met us in groups...5 each time...and we had a few minutes to pitch our story. She is the agent for a couple of the published authors in our group. I read her my summary somewhat woodenly...and tried to make it sound interesting...and to my surprise, she said it sounded "cute", and to send her the first 3 chapters and a synopsis. I was semi-excited...but it didn't really hit me until the next day when she spoke at our monthly romance group meeting and detailed just how hard it was to get her a big thing, I guess. The story is really shaping up now. I need to sit my butt down and really hammer it out.
I'll let you know as more happens...