Dim Sum Diaries
Wow, this is so cool...

In other news, I finally got a chance to show my critique partner the first two paragraphs of the manuscript. 243 words. It took me all weekend to find 243 words in the English language that I could be happy with. Its really kind of depressing. Then aforementioned critique partner/musey wusey thinks the first paragraph should be thrown out. The second is cool. Its cool...but in the short term a little disheartening to know that an entire paragraph needs to be reworked. Its kind of weird. You agonize over each word you put to paper (or in my case laptop)...it takes you hours to formulate a sentence, is the tone right...can you expand on a particular idea...should you change this word or that...and then someone reads it and its over in seconds...kinda weird...

Mir is a slooowwwwww writer...
