Dim Sum Diaries
One of my favorite humorists is David Sedaris. I thought I'd share one of his most popular bits, The Drama Bug, performed on This American Life, a public radio show. Its an hour long (his piece is at 3:00 and 39:00 into the show), but its highly enjoyable. You'll need the latest version of Real Player (get the free one) for this to work. You can also read the written version of TDB in his book, "Naked".

Preview (David Sedaris is talking (a la Fakespeare) to his mom about her cleaning):

Perchance, fair lady, dost thou think me unduly vexed by the sorrowful state of thine quarters? These foul specks, the evidence of life itself, have sullied not only thine shag-tempered matt but also thine character. Be ye mad, woman?

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